Have you seen the warning signs in your community yet? CAUTION SIGNS, BEACH CLOSED, COMMERCIALS STATING ROUND UP CAUSES CANCER!!! The use of harmful pesticides, herbicides, fungicides & algaecides are changing our way of life! Don't be reactive, be proactive and STOP using synthetic chemical fertilizers, they're killing more than just weeds & insects.
Try switching to a safe organic alternative to care for your green space. Get off the poison chemicals that leave a caution sign behind and switch to a natural plant based, chemical free lawn program. Try a WELCOME SIGN this year & enjoy your yard knowing it won't
harm the environment, you, your children/pets. You will also be contributing to the healing of our environment instead of continuing to pollute it.
A-1 ORGANIC LAWNS LLC is dedicated to providing our customers with knowledge and alternative products to synthetic chemical fertilizers .We believe in protecting & preserving our environment with natural lawn fertilizers that use the power of nature to
beautify your property. We only offer our customers products that are environmentally safe, and free of potentially harmful synthetic chemicals found in most commercial fertilizers. We believe that by providing poison free organic products and the knowledge to use them. We can help you protect the most important people in
your life. Your family, because there is nothing more important than you, your family, and the environment that surrounds you.


Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) are worth learning about.The good news is that A-1 Organic Lawns only uses safe,
organic products. Our services DO NOT contribute to the
HAB problem.
To learn more about HABs we suggest you visit the Toxic Algae News and National Wildlife Federation sites to get started. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also a good spot. We've also started using/distributing a
beneficial bacteria liquid to reverse the effects of HABs & clean up the water!

This site is dedicated to helping homeowners, landscape contractors, organic farmers, organic gardeners, and municipalities achieve beautiful results with their turf grass, gardens, houseplants, and landscapes without the use of synthetic-chemical-based fertilizers.
Our sites goal is to offer education and products that helps provide environmentally conscious individuals and the companies who serve these individuals with alternatives to synthetic “weed & feed” fertilizer products. Our alternative, organic lawn fertilizers
are environmentally friendly for turf, gardens, watersheds, wildlife, pets, and people.
Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) in Michigan

We offer products/programs to treat aquatic eco systems with natural beneficial bacteria, using the power of nature naturally.
Trusted Resources

Minerals cannot be absorbed to any real advantage in anything but food. However, a living colloidal system with all its
vitamins, minerals, and enzymes is harmoniously balanced with the sun's energy intact. This provides immunity with "living" medicines and inoculations. With the exception of a few minerals, most are only needed in very small quantities, and absorption of one may be directly dependent upon the presence of
another. Each mineral plays an important role in balanced nutrition in nature’s way.

One of the simplest things you can do to detoxify your
lawn & garden as well as protect your family & pets is to STOP using synthetic-chemical fertilizers that contain
fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. These hazardous types
of fertilizers get rid of more than just weeds & insects. They've
been shown to have negative side effects on the
environment, people and pets. Especially those with sensitivities
to synthetic chemicals.
Organic Products
Working 6-7 days-a-week, I don’t have time for yard maintenance, but wanted the lawn to look nicer than it had been looking. Every year, it looked a little worse. I had had two lawn care services within a two-year span with little noticeable improvement. Also, one of the services applied so much pesticide to an older, tall evergreen, that one entire side turned brown, along with the grass underneath the overhanging limbs. The tree never recovered and had to be removed. Another unknown was why I was catching one cold after another for an entire Winter season. It was that Spring I decided to locate a lawn service who would apply only organic products around my home. Not only has the lawn improved, I only had one mild cold this past Winter.
Thank you A-1 Sprinklers for improving both my lawn’s and my own health!
Healthy Grass in Farmington Hills
I appreciate your company. My grass was healthier this year!!
Lynn- Farmington Hills, MI
Organic Fertilizer & Seed
I just wanted to email you to tell you that my lawn looks fabulous. With one treatment of your organic fertilizer and seed the lawn is thick and green and I don’t even notice the weeds. I am sure happy with your product so far and I feel good about letting my dog walk on it! My lawn has never looked so good. Thanks !
Sheryl- Rochester MI
Lawn is Improving
We had a party with many people and the back yard was damaged. We tried standard chemical programs 2004 – 08 that did not restore lawn, A-1 products 09 – 2010, two seasons & lawn is improving. We are staying on the A-1 Organic Lawns products / program.
Dennis- Shelby Twp, MI
Great Looking Lawn
The best the lawn has looked, & that was all season long!!!!!!.
Jim-Frisbie, MI
Lawn Program User in Southfield
What a lovely program please sign me up again !!!!!.
Jan-Southfield, MI
There are documented cases of pollution to vulnerable watersheds negatively effecting biodiversity. One negative consequence has been the overnutrition of water causing algae to crowd out beneficial plants, depleting oxygen, and causing the body of water to become eutrophic.
Another negative consequence of synthetic chemical fertilizers are that they've been linked to a number of human/pet health issues (even before they’re put into the air & on the soil.) These health issues include birth defects, cancer, mutations, fertility problems, diseases of the immunological, neurological, and endocrine systems.
What can you do if you want a good-looking yard,
care for the environment, your home,
and the health of all who live there?
For starters, STOP using synthetic chemical fertilizers and give A-1 ORGANIC LAWNS a try! Our products;
- Contain NO fungicides, herbicides, or insecticides.
- They are organic in composition & use ingredients from the Earth, not synthetic chemicals, born in a reactor.
- Most are plant or rock derived and contain important trace minerals (micronutrients), which all bacteria, plants, animals and even humans need to remain healthy.
- Some of our ingredients are actually the composted and compacted remains of ancient plants that decayed 75-million years ago.
- The ingredients in our organic fertilizer products are time released and help rejuvenate the soil by feeding microorganisms and plants in a far gentler manner than synthetic fertilizer products, which contribute to erosion, contamination of lakes and rivers, reducing soil health and fertility and can chemically burn plants.
Organic fertilizers can really make a difference in your yard & garden by producing healthy vigorous plants. Important variables such as; light, moisture, soil type, pH level, temperature range, etc. are important to achieve optimal results, leading plants to hardier & disease resistant status. Stronger plants are less prone to attack by weeds, insects, fungus, bacteria or viruses compared to plants that are not properly nourished and whose cultural conditions are not properly met.
Most importantly, if you use organic fertilizers, you will help protect the environment while making your yard safer for you, your family and pets!
A-1 Organic Lawns is your one stop shop for organic lawn products, natural mineral based animal feed suppliments and solar energy.